Cedric Demeure- Président Embedded France. Some trends in CPS systems and underlying technologies

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Cédric Demeure, président d’Embedded France a été convié à participer comme Keynote Speaker à la réunion DSD à Portoroz (Slovénie).

Cédric Demeure
Some trends in CPS systems and underlying technologies


Digital transformation is having a significant impact in our society. Embedded computing is becoming a key technology that is further evolving with the recent addition of embedded Artificial Intelligence capabilities. These products integrate more and more technologies that allow for advanced interactions with their environment, with ever more increased autonomy. Examples go from autonomous cars, connected planes, intelligent grids in the energy domain or Industry 4.0. These important evolutions share a common concept: mastering connected and intelligent systems called CyberPhysical Systems. This talk will present some important trends for this market and the associated technological challenges gathered during a study performed with the financial support of the French national directorate for Industry (DGE) and Embedded France, a not-for-profit association which unites key French players in software and embedded systems, as well as some technology trends identified during the on-going European Excel project CPS4EU.

Cédric Jean-Jacques Demeure, Embedded France President, VP R&T Thales

Engineer from TelecomParis school in 1983, Cédric Demeure obtained his Master degree from the University of Rhode-Island (USA) in 1984, and his PhD in Signal Processing at the University of Colorado in 1989 after a year studying SAR radars in Thomson-CSF. In 1990, he joined the Communications division of Thomson-CSF to work on digital radios and modems. In 1992, he became responsible of the advanced study laboratory in Antenna Processing for direction finding and spectrum surveillance. In 1996, he became manager of the Signal and Image Processing Department. From 2004 till 2013, he was the director of the Digital Embedded Systems Unit, dealing with all advanced studies and product development (both SW and HW) for wireless communications products. Since October 2013, Cédric Demeure is VP R&T for Thales in France and thus the director of the corporate Research and Technology entity in Palaiseau. Located on the Ecole Polytechnique campus, this research center mainly performs studies in materials, in physics and electronic components, in optics and also in information science and technologies (both in computing and algorithms). Since 2016 he is the president of the Embedded France, a non-profit association joining together French representatives of embedded software and system actors, and is a member of the national Strategic Council for Electronics.

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